Enterprise Partnerships

Welcome to Legal Copy’s comprehensive end-of-life planning service for enterprises that prioritize employee support throughout life’s stages.

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Keeps Your Employees Worry-Free

A compassionate and responsible approach which provide numerous benefits to your employees and organisation

Provides Financial Security

Legal Copy has comprehensive financial planning, including wills, trusts, and estate management.

Enhances Retention & Loyalty

Legal Copy subscription shows that you value your employees beyond their active working years

Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Ensuring their wishes are respected and their loved ones are supported during a difficult time.

Benefits of Legal Copy’s Enterprise Subscriptions

By offering end-of-life planning subscriptions to your workforce, you not only demonstrate a compassionate and responsible approach but also provide numerous benefits to both your employees and your organization as a whole.

Simplifies Legal & Administrative Challenges

Legal Copy helps in simplifying legal and administrative complexities related to end-of-life planning. We assist your employees in creating legally binding documents that help in reducing the burden on loved ones and avoiding potential disputes.

Empowers Employees Who Empower Orgs

Legal Copy gives your employees the opportunity to take control of their future, ensuring their wishes are respected and their loved ones are supported during a difficult time. It empowers your employees to make decisions that align with their values and preferences.

Demonstrates Your Commitment to your People

By offering end-of-life planning subscriptions, your organization demonstrates its commitment to supporting employees beyond the workplace, contributing to a positive public image. This can attract like-minded individuals and enhance your brand reputation among customers, partners, and the wider community.

Let’s connect

We’re helping change end-of-life planning for the better. Get in touch to find out what we can do together.